Button to switch to random view


Let me start by saying that I use the "List View Mode" for 99% of the time.

But sometimes, I would like to have an idea about the foldersizes in the file pane.

Therefor I would like to create a simple button that let's me switch from "List view mode to "Detail view mode and have the foldersize bars visible like Nudel shows here : [Calculate Folder Sizes Automatically)

But after a lot of trying I can't get it done.

When in List mode, I would like the "automatically calculate folder sizes" disabled for speed reason.

Is it possible to create a button that switches from List view to Detail view with nice bars next to the folder giving an idea of the size of them (correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe detail mode is the only mode able to show the foldersize in relative bars).

Can someone give me a hand please, I'm at the end of trying without luck.



OK, since noone will able/willing to answer.

How can I redefine the default columns for Details view mode.
Right now I only seem to do this for a specific folder, I would like to simple change the default shown colums for anything shown in "Details" mode.

Thank You !

Don't be so impatient.

[quote="Devilder"]How can I redefine the default columns for Details view mode.
Right now I only seem to do this for a specific folder, I would like to simple change the default shown colums for anything shown in "Details" mode.[/quote]

Read the FAQ on folder formats...

Try this:

  1. Save your current lister layout (DEFAULT)

  2. Add the Relative Sizes Column

  3. Save the lister layout (RELATIVE SIZES)

  4. Create a button to switch between the 2 layouts

I tried this and it works for me...

Thanks Christiaan,

the problem is the function "Set VIEW=Cycle,List,Details"
will toggle from List <--> Details

But that means, when having toggled to Details, all predefined Folders will toggle back to their default state, thus back to List mode.


Ain't there something like a FORCE-Toggle ?

Have you tried turning on the Format Lock?

Hi, I've fixed it by switching off the "View" checkmark in the special assigned folder formats, so they follow the custom one.
It definatelly is one giant mess to get everything you want, but I'm quite happy now.

Thanks everyone ! :astonished:

If you can come up with a design that isn't "a mess" yet still lets everyone do what they want and find happiness in the end, let us know. :slight_smile: