Default audio sorting by track?

I love Opus! I'm in awe of its capabilities.

That said, I'm wanting to change the default file sorting priority. At present, it sorts mp3 files by track number. I want to sort by name or filename. I have combed through the manual, the preferences, and so forth. I found that I can drop down the view modes and click on Sort By. That works fine for that particular lister. I want to change this permanently. How?


This thread--Default Lister-- helped me sort out my "sorting audio tracks" issue. I agree that this particular page within preferences didn't invite me into to peaking and tweaking. I went through everything several times looking for the way to reset the sorting priorities for music files and I never thought to click on Content Type Formats. Just my feedback.

You need a finer tooth comb. :slight_smile:

To solve your immediate problem, go to Preferences / Folders / Folder Formats. Here you can edit the Content Type Formats, one of which is Music.

For a better long-term solution: HOW TO: Understand and Configure Folder Formats