Desktop problems

I use the desktop a lot as a temporary storage area but within Opus it seems to be really bugged for me. For instance I can't seem to do the following.

In Dual lister mode I can't move anything from a folder in one lister to the desktop in the second lister.

Can't open zip files located on the desktop within Opus. Although if I minimize everything and double click the zip file on the actual desktop it works ok.

Can't open the "My Documents" folder on the desktop.

How can I resolve these issues?


Read Double-click / right-click on desktop items does nothing

I have the offending Microsoft update installed. And I have all of your symptoms except this one:

I was hoping it was an opus problem and a fix was available. Unfortunately i'm not in a position where I can uninstall "important" windows updates at work.

Let me clarify the moving of items to the desktop problem.

I have a folder on the left hand lister, for instance C:\temp, with a file called temp.txt. I want to move this file to the desktop which I have in the right hand lister. If I drag the file across the file does not move. Can you confirm?

Important note: remember i'm moving the file, not copying it so you have to hold down the shift key while dragging to ensure its moved rather then copied.

If you go into Customize mode, are you able to drag a button from the list of Commands in the Customize dialog on to one of your toolbars? If not it may be the thing some other people have seem where the "IStream" registry settings are damaged which breaks certain drag & drop events.

Back outside of Customize mode, if you select the file and click the Move button in the toolbar, does that work?

Hi Nudel,

Just dragged a button out to the toolbar in customize mode and it worked fine. Also using the move button in the toolbar works fine.

On top of that I can move files FROM the desktop but not to the desktop.

So am I correct in assuming you can perform a drag and drop move command to the desktop with no problems?

Yeah, drag & drop between two panes of a dual lister, one a normal directory and the other the virtual Desktop directory, works fine for me in both directions, whether holding shift or not, and also when using the right mouse button.

Just checked and I have KB921398 installed here.

Do you also have problems doing a drag & drop from an Opus window to a separate Explorer window?

I'll try on my machine at home later to see if it works there as well. I very rarely use the virtual Desktop folder in Opus -- instead I usually point to my profile's desktop folder -- so I may have the problem at home but not have noticed it.

Just tried moving a file from explorer into the desktop lister in opus and it works. So its just a problem when moving a file between listers in opus.

I also tried to move the file in opus using the right mouse button. When I let go of the file over the desktop lister I get the normal menu, copy here, move here etc, so I select move here and nothing happens.

I to will try this on my home computer and see what happens.

Sounds similar to a problem I reported earlier but has now been fixed.
[url]*SOLVED* - Mouse Movements in System Folders]

Hi edbro9,

I'm using the latest version of opus and still have this problem, so I think it's releated to something else.


Just curious,

But can you still copy files between two panes of a dual lister, to your Desktop name space, using a command button?

Kenalcock, do you mean copy or move files between listers? copy works fine but I will try and move them using a command button when I get back to work tomorrow.

Just out of interest I tried to move a file onto the desktop name space on my home system and it works fine, so its just something wrong with the work system

You should test both Move and Copy.
[li] Can you drag-copy or drag-move files between two ordinary folders in a dual lister (that is the Desktop is not one of the folders)?
[li] After an "unsuccessful" move attempt to the Desktop, try typing "/desktopdir" in the Location field and press Enter to list that actual Desktop folder (not the Windows Namespace representation of the folder). Do you see the file you attempted to move listed in this folder?
[li] Is your Desktop at work on a networked drive?
[li] Does your work use junction points to redirect the Desktop folder?
[li] On your work system try resetting the dropshift command by doing the following:[ol][li] Go to the Settings menu and click on File Types.[/li]
[li] Under the Directory Opus File Types heading, select the All files and folders entry and click on the Edit button.[/li]
[li] In the Edit 'All files and folders' File Type dialog, click on the File Type tab.[/li]
[li] In the File Type tab, click on the Events tab halfway down the page.[/li]
[li] In the Events list, select the dropshift event and click on the Delete button.
This will delete the current command and change the command to ". However, it is not yet saved to the Windows Registry.[/li]
[li] Click OK to save the change to the Windows Registry.[/li]
[li] In the Events list, select the dropshift event and click on the Edit button.[/li]
[li] Type in (or select from the menus) the command "Copy Move".[/li]
[li] Click OK to save the change to the Windows Registry.[/li][/ol]Does resetting the dropshift command help?
[li] When moving a file again between two panes of a dual lister using drag and drop, ensure you press shift after you start dragging the file.[/li][/ol]
Beyond the above, I'm plum out of ideas.

Yes with no problems.

[li] After an "unsuccessful" move attempt to the Desktop, try typing "/desktopdir" in the Location field and press Enter to list that actual Desktop folder (not the Windows Namespace representation of the folder). Do you see the file you attempted to move listed in this folder?

No I don't. But I am able to move files when using the /desktopdir instead of the desktop namespace.

[quote="kenalcock"] [/li]
[li] Is your Desktop at work on a networked drive?
[li] Does your work use junction points to redirect the Desktop folder?

No and No.

[quote="kenalcock"] [/li]
[li] On your work system try resetting the dropshift command by doing the following:[ol][li] Go to the Settings menu and click on File Types.[/li]
[li] Under the Directory Opus File Types heading, select the All files and folders entry and click on the Edit button.[/li]
[li] In the Edit 'All files and folders' File Type dialog, click on the File Type tab.[/li]
[li] In the File Type tab, click on the Events tab halfway down the page.[/li]
[li] In the Events list, select the dropshift event and click on the Delete button.
This will delete the current command and change the command to ". However, it is not yet saved to the Windows Registry.[/li]
[li] Click OK to save the change to the Windows Registry.[/li]
[li] In the Events list, select the dropshift event and click on the Edit button.[/li]
[li] Type in (or select from the menus) the command "Copy Move".[/li]
[li] Click OK to save the change to the Windows Registry.[/li][/ol]Does resetting the dropshift command help?

Done but it hasn't made any difference :frowning:

[quote="kenalcock"] [/li]
[li] When moving a file again between two panes of a dual lister using drag and drop, ensure you press shift after you start dragging the file.[/li][/ol]

Yeah I do that.

Well it looks like this is something i'm going to have to live with. I'll alter my desktop button to point to the desktop path instead of the desktop namespace.

Thanks for you assistance kenalcock.