DirOpus fails to start

This is my evaluation version which expires in a week. I like the program but over the three or four days it fails to run. No icon on the task bar and nothing happens when I try to open My Computer. I have had to run System Restore or re-install the program. Why would it fail to start? I don't want to buy it if it needs to be re-installed every few days! I'm running windows XP Pro

A few people have experienced this towards the end of their eval period although we're still not sure why and nobody's found a way to force it to happen.

(A similar problem can also be caused by installing certain versions of Nero as well as by Zone Alarm depending on configuration. If you have those installed then see here for help.)

(It can also be caused by trying to extend beyond the eval period by dodgy means but it shouldn't happen if you've still got a couple of days' evaluation left.)

So far the problem has always been solved by installing a licence so if you've already decided you want to buy Opus you can expect it'll work reliably once you get the licence file. In the event that you still have the problem (which has never happened so far) I'm sure GPSoft will help.