DO doesn't load properly in new Windows install


I recently updated to Windows 10 my home desktop and since then Directory Opus doesn't work properly.

After loading the main window DP doesn't load the listers (I don't see any files) and freezes. I have to shut it down with task manager.

What can be done? Reinstall?

If you create an empty folder on your desktop, then right-click that and choose the Open in Directory Opus option, does that folder open OK?

If you have a config backup, uninstall and then reinstall is worth a try, to see if the problem is still there with the default config.

How to backup or locate your Opus configuration (Simple) has information on doing config backups, both using the wizard and manually by copying files.

If the problem is not solved by using the default configuration & toolbars, then it is likely caused by shell extensions or similar 3rd party components, or by a particular file in your startup folder (which the empty folder test above should rule out). Crash, exit or high CPU when viewing certain directories has suggestions along that path.

Hello again

I decided to uninstall -reinstall and the conclusion is that with the default configuration after installing DO it works fine, no slowness at all. But as soon as I load my previous configuration everything is slow (changing folders, opening menus, etc). is there any way to find out what slows down in the configuration? (tooobars?). Leo, Do you need anything that can help identify?

Settings > Toolbars > Factory Reset Toolbars (also available via right-clicking the empty space on a toolbar, if you don't have the Settings menu)

Does the problem still happen with the default toolbars, while keeping the rest of your configuration?

Did the factory reset of toolbars and problem gone. Then I began including new toolbars and could determine what toolbar was causing the issue.

Thanks for the help.

What was the cause in the end?

AFAIK one of the toolbars when loaded rendered DO immediatly slower. But I didn't pay attention to all of the involved links. I only remember the first two were menu buttons for favorites and recent.

I bet one of the buttons was pointing at a machine on the network which is not reachable, or something similar.