DO11: Open new lister after few secondes in XP

I have problem when opening new lister.
Lister open always after 9 secondes (desktop shortcut, key, button, tray icon...)

There are a few possibilities but it's most likely a shell extension or something on your toolbars pointing at a network drive that is now unreachable, or similar.

Even if I use DO 10 config, lister open always after 9 secondes.
DO 10 open lister instantaneously.

Might be worth using Process Monitor to see what dopus.exe is accessing during that time.

I understand what's happen...

First, I can use Process Monitor because I don't have admin rights :frowning:
So I try to find where is the problem... And I found...

I have a toolbar with apps shortcuts pointed to apps on usb key (note that shortcuts are not broken and buttons' icons are app' icons).

  1. If I have usb device plug and try to open new Lister, Lister is display in 9s. If usb device is not plug, Lister is display immediatly.
  2. If I delete codes of all buttons, Lister is display in 9s. So it's not codes.
  3. If I replace apps icon's button by DO icons, Lister is display immediatly. So it's app's icons.

I don't know why DO takes time to recover icons (maybe antivirus) but there is change between DO10/DO11.

DO10: icons are recovered when we start DO. Icons are put in a cache, then all new Lister are display immediatly.
DO11: icons are recovered each time we try to open Lister.

Is it true?

I'm not aware of any changes in how icons are retrieved, but it's not a good idea to have toolbar icons on an extremely slow device, since they will need to be retrieved at some point.