I get a corrupt file notice

Just installed on Win8 and keep getting a notice to the effect that my files are corrupted or there is a virus. I redownloaded the installer (2013 64 bit) and resinstalled. Same message. The program works fine. I just keep getting the notice. Anyone else? Any cure?

Can you post a screenshot of the message you are seeing?

Yeah, I will but it's on my work computer so it'll be tomorrow.

In case it's useful: How to check for a corrupted installer or main program.

I just built this computer and don't think I've gotten a virus yet. That said, I'm having problems installing BitDefender on Win8 which seems to be common. I'm working on that too.

So, I think I said I've uninstalled and reinstalled the exe from the recommended link. Unless there are other thoughts, I'm going to try to uninstall again, do a registry clean and try another reinstall.

Well that was easy. I did have a corrupted install file. Sorry for the fuss.

OK, I take it back. I still get the above message every few minutes after an uninstall, redownload and reinstall.

Have you checked the signatures on all of the EXE and DLL files?

Also make sure you are using your proper licence, via the Help menu (icon on the right of the default toolbars) and Licence Manager within that. (The proper licence as opposed to e.g. an old evaluation licence.)

CapZap, Win8 has it's own antivirus integrated, so no need for BitDefender, as a priority and that can help you to be a little bit more confident that there's no problem (not impossible but less probability).
I had the same problem, and in my experience, re-installing again over it resolved the issue.