Log File


I am working with Directory Opus to rename and classify over 40,000 files. After I rename these files I will be moving them into a new folder. I wanted to preserve the original filepath+name and new filepath+new name all in one organized log file.

Can I customize the log file? Can I add/remove fields in the output window that displays the log (Destination, File, Action)?

How stable is the log file? We would be heavily dependant on that one log file. Is there any known issues with it?

Thank you

All of the logging options are in Preferences -> Logging.

Make sure the maximum log length is long enough to capture that much information, and save the log to a text file (via the Output window's Save button) afterwards to ensure the log data doesn't get overwritten as you perform further actions.

I would also do a test run on a few dummy files to ensure the information you need is captured. Check the text file as well as the log window to make sure the info is saved as you need it. Check with long paths & filenames to make sure they don't get truncated when saving the log.

If you need anything beyond what gets logged by default you could do the rename via a Rename Script which lets you run VBScript (and other scripting langauges) which gets passed the old and new names, and can modify the new name. Your script could then log the information in whatever format you want.