Opus 11 - Windows 10 not responding on right mouse-click


On right mouse-click Dopus does not respond for several minutes. Strange is that this only occurs when right mouse-click on a single file of folder. When selecting multiple files/folders this problem does not occur.
Any ideas ?

The most likely cause is that a shell extension something has installed on your system is going wrong.

Please see Crash, exit or high CPU usage when right-clicking certain files.


I have the same problem with version 12.17 and the previous ones:

At the opening of a Windows session (W10 Pro), for the first launch of Opus, a right click on a file systematically displays the system message "Opus does not respond" and I must ask for the abandonment of Opus.

After this first crash I no longer have any problems of this type.

Opus is configured to replace the Windows File Explorer.
My mouse is a Logithech MX anywhere 2 wireless mouse.

Can you tell me if there is a configuration of Opus or Windows 10 that can make this problem go away?

Thank you,

The problem will be caused by a shell extension which some other software has installed.

The guide I linked above explains how to find the one causing the problem, as well as an option you can usually turn on for a quick fix.