Prevent auto-calculation of folders size on specific drives


I'm using the "Automatic calculation of folder size" for all drives and i love it.

But i have a problem with Ftpdrive which creates a drive letter and allows connecting to FTP just like they were folders of this drive.

For example i have a drive letter Y: created by ftpdrive which contains 3 folders corresponding to 3 different ftp sites.

The problem is, i don't want this letter Y: to be have folder size automatically calculated. I tried to change the setting to "fixed drives only" but it doesn't work (where the Y: drive letter appears as a removable drive)

Is there something i can do to prevent the calculation ?


You can override the folder-size-calculation setting for particular folders/drives using Folder Formats:

I was so happy to have news from those useful "Folder Formats" settings where we can do many things .. but unfortunately, it doesn't work..
Have you got an idea ?

I've also tried to use the Removable Drives settings but it doesn't work either..

Any idea why it doesn't work ?
My Z letter is a ftpdrive.exe letter which appears as a Removable Drive

And nor Leo's method (specifying No automatic calculation) nor "Only fixed drive" work ..

Should i make a bug report ?

The size is only being displayed for one directory there. Is that because the screenshot was made while it was calculating? Or are the sizes not being calculated automatically when you enter the folder, but when you hover over one of the sub-folders and trigger its tooltip?

Leo, yes it's only displaying on the first one because it's a "ftp drive" and it's quite slow but if i had waited i could have seen it on the other also

And no, i haven't done anything special : just access to the drive letter Z: and the calculation started .. Easy to reproduce anytime with this kind of Drive (i have tried with ftpdrive and webdrive and it's the same)

You know, i love the automatic calculation but when accessing ftp drives, it should really be avoided :slight_smile:

But the way, as i was writing this message, i have tried to change the settings of "Network Drives" in Folder formats to "OFF" and it still calculated folder sizes

And i've also added the letter L: in folder formats with calculation "off" and it still calculated... what can i do ??

Even stranger : even if i uncheck the global option
"Calculate folder sizes automatically"

it's still computing the sizes when i open a folder !!!

what can i do ? :frowning:

(i'm using usb export, maybe something has been fixed ?)

Thanks to Jon and the excellent support from GP Soft :

This problem is solved :

i was using the "Total File Count" and "Total sub-folders count" columns in my default Folders Options.

When you use these columns, Dopus automtically overrides all other "Get Folder Sizes" settings to be able to provide you these counts.

[quote="frv"]This problem is solved :

i was using the "Total File Count" and "Total sub-folders count" columns in my default Folders Options.

When you use these columns, Dopus automtically overrides all other "Get Folder Sizes" settings to be able to provide you these counts.[/quote]
From the FAQ on folder size calculation: