Problem Expanding/Collapsing Folders

I just upgraded to and noticed an odd problem that when I click on the + or - next to the folder name it does not always expand or collapse as expected. Did a setting change or something?

BTW, I Love This Program!!! Keep up the great work.

I'm not sure what you mean by "not always" but I can tell you I haven't noticed any problems like that on my machine. Do you have the option highlighted below checked? If so you might uncheck it and see if that clears the problem.

I have unchecked the option with no change to my problem. If i click on the root (ie. C:, D: ) it will expand no problem any thing below that it will not. It worked before I upgraded (8 to 9).

Thanks for your help!

Does it expand if you enter the folder via the file display?

Have you tried restarting Opus?

Remember that to exit Opus fully you have to use the item in the taskbar icon's menu:

If that doesn't fix it, try turning off all of the Show in Folder Tree options (at the bottom of John's screenshot, above) and then restart Opus and see if you still can't expand items.

Let us know what happens.


I tried all suggestions with the same result. I have not tried to Uninstall DOpus 9 and reinstall, but this is what I will try next.


If that doesn't solve it I think you'll have to ask GPSoft for help as I can't think of anything else to try.

BTW, I noticed that you had a large font in the tree but I set my Opus to use something similar and it still worked okay, so I guess it isn't that.

I have more info (and it is strange); I found that I have to click (to expand) more to the right the further away from the root I get (see image for example).

I am using larger fonts as my res is 1920x1200.

Have you set the larger font via Opus preferences? (I tried that but still can't reproduce the problem, even going into a deeply nested folder.)

Or have you turned on a system-wide Large Fonts option in the Display control panel?

Which version of Windows?

I'm using WinXP Sp2, and have system-wide Large Fonts turned on via the Display control panel.

I also had adjusted DOpus fonts set to Tahoma 10 point but after reading your post I reset them to the default 8 point and the problem changed from having to move further to the right to having to move further to the left.

This problem corrected itself after a restart and all is normal, (Thanks to you), it appears DOpus is not compensating for font size changes, at least when system wide large fonts are used.

Thanks again for your help! This was starting to irritate me :slight_smile:


So does it only go wrong if you change the setting while Opus is running, and corrects itself when you restart Opus? If so then that should be easy enough to fix (I assume).

If I change the fonts from 8 point to 10 point the problem returns and doesn't go away even after restart.

After I reset the fonts to 8 point the problem is opposite as I have to click further to the left (See Image)

This corrects itself after restart. I hope this explains things a little better.

Update: This problem was corrected in the latest release (

Thanks nudel & JohnZeman for all your help!
