Search performance major issue (F3)

[quote="leo"]Ah okay, if you want to use collections as a way to store lists of favorites, just make sure that when you add a folder to a collection you add it as a Member and not as a Sub-Collection.

Adding it as a member means the parent collection just stores a single item which is pointing to the directory, and if you double-click that item you will go to the real directory.

Adding it as a sub-collection means that you create another collection which stores items pointing at every file in the folder, plus (recursively) additional sub-collections which point to all the files and folders (in yet more sub-collections) below that folder.

(Alternatively, you can store favorites in the actual Favorites menu, or access them via Folder Tab Groups, Styles, Layouts or Aliases, or by creating toolbar buttons / menus / hotkeys which go to the folders you want. All worth looking into if you don't know about them already. Maybe you already use some but they don't make sense for this particular task. Which is best depends on how you want things to work.)[/quote]

Arrrh thanks leo, noted.

I never really did know the difference between 'members' and 'sub-collections'. Thnaks