Sort by non displayed column

My starting point looks like this and per my Default Format the folder is sorted by MODIFIED:

I enter >set columnstoggle=ext to toggle the EXT column on and >set sortby=ext to sort by EXT and all is well so far.

Now I enter enter >set columnstoggle=ext again to toggle the EXT column off and things start to get weird.

The second "set columnstoggle=ext" command is not listed in the format summary and sorting by EXT has been replaced with sorting by NAME. Remember that the original default format was sorted by MODIFIED and my command sequence changed that to sorting by EXT, but now sorting is by NAME!

If I now go UP a level using the Go Up arrow the format summary says it has been Edited by user. I disagree. At this (new) level no editing has been performed. Format Lock is off, so the format should be whatever is applicable for that particular folder.

Now I click on the highlighted folder to go back to the folder where I started. Files are still sorted by NAME and the format shows Edited by user. Once again I disagree. I'd expect the format to revert to the same as it was when I started - i.e. sorted by MODIFIED.

Regards, AB

If you sort by a column and then remove that column, Opus will have to sort by another column. You sorted by EXT then removed it, so Opus sorted by Name. (I think it'll always chose Name if the sort column is removed.)

"8. Changes to Default Formats" in the Folder Formats: Detailed Guide probably explains the rest.