Test if argument is used

I add argument FROMFILE/K to me script.
I want to test if this arg is use or not and return value.

If funcData.func.args.got_arg.fromfile is used then
Dopus.OutputString Fromfile.value
Dopus.OutputString “not used”
End if

What's the actual issue/question?
If you don't know how to get the value, it is "funcData.func.args.fromfile" iirc.

Yes, but value was always empty.

I understand what’s happen.
My command had 3 templates written like this in script cmd.template = "SELECTRENAMED/S, FROMFILE/K, DONTKEEPEXTENSION/S"

I delete spaces after commas (cmd.template = "SELECTRENAMED/S,FROMFILE/K,DONTKEEPEXTENSION/S") and it’s ok now.

Suggestion regarding your DONTKEEPEXTENSION switch, as I find these "negotiation" switches hard to read and fit into a bunch of others. Consider using a parameter "KEEPEXTENSION" which defaults to "yes" but which can be set to "no" like in this template:
It's easier to understand and expand with further values and avoids some kind of switch-hell in the long run, but even if you don't add 20 more parameters, it's more clean from my point of view.

Possibly even better alternative:
It's probably even more future proof and avoids singular and very specific switches without context.