OnOpenLister event, custom_title empty


I'm using the following Custom title (via Preferences -> Display -> Options -> Custom title): DO Lister: %L - %P

But custom_title is empty: function OnOpenLister(openListerData) { DOpus.Output( "EVENT: OnOpenLister" ) DOpus.Output( " custom_title=" + openListerData.Lister.custom_title ) }Any hints?

Many thanks and greetings

"Returns the custom title of the Lister (if any) as set by the Set LISTERTITLE command. This may be an empty string. The title property returns the actual window title."

It is for per-window custom titles set by Set LISTERTITLE, not for the global setting.

Hello again Leo,

is there then any way to get the global setting in a script?

Many thanks and greetings

I'm not sure, but we could add one if there isn't and there's a good reason to need it.

What do you want it for? What are you trying to do overall?

Hello Leo,

during iterating through the lister collection I could find a certain lister. Useful for script tests, too.

Many thanks and greetings

There are probably better ways to identify listers than by title, but I'd need more detail of what you're doing to suggest a better way.