"Columns" data seems to have disappeared from context menu


I wonder if anyone has had this occur before and if so, how to fix it?

The picture below this paragraph is what I currently see when I right click on the Column Header Bar and scroll down to "Columns" -- I noticed the values missing approximately a week ago, before I installed the recent update to DO Professional v11.2.

My columns used to look like they do in the following picture.*

I'd still consider myself a pretty new user of this awesome program, so I may very well have clicked the wrong check-box along the way, but I can't for the life of me find it in the settings dialog. And please believe me, I've tried to figure it out on my own, but it's obviously above my current skill set!

Thank you very much for taking your time to read this message and extra thanks to anyone who may be able to point me in the right direction!
Best wishes.

*I grabbed that picture from another thread here that I noticed when I was searching for a solution, before posting this. Sorry that I can't credit the original poster of the picture, I didn't think to copy their name down, but if it's yours and you read this, thank you!

I just noticed something that I didn't see before. "Remove" is disabled in my computer's screen capture but not in the other user's screen capture. Could that have something to do with my issue?

Thank you!

"Remove" is disabled because you've right-clicked the Name column, which can't be removed.

If you edit the menu, via Settings -> Customize Toolbars, what's inside it?

It should look like this:

Thank you very much for the rapid response Leo, I really appreciate that a lot!

Here's a screen shot of what I see. My screen is the one to the right (of your screen shot).

Additional info: If I right click on where "Columns" should be, I get these options.

Was the menu edited in the past?

Anyway, add a new button there which runs the command in my screenshot, and you should be back to normal.

No Leo, I've never really touched any of those options yet. I did add a new tool bar back in December but I have yet to edit it - time constraints have kept me from using a lot of the power that I know is there!

If you think that a reinstallation of DO would probably resolve the issue, no big deal. I can save my preferences and uninstall/reinstall with no problem! Like I said, I've not made many customizations yet so really not a big deal. :smiley:

Woo hoo, I am back up and running! The uninstall / reinstall went absolutely perfect! My columns information is there and I am a happy camper!

It was probably a registry corruption or maybe a corrupt file/failing drive or something similar. I thought about it and I decided not to backup/recover my old settings as there may have been damage in that file, who knows, all I do know is that I am back up and running, my wife is visiting family in Korea and I have an entire weekend with nothing to do save have a few friends over for beers and work on learning DO!

Here's to wishing you a good weekend Leo!

All the best,

Hello Leo.

I owe you an apology for seeming to brush your excellent advice off. I won't make a lot of excuses but it was completely ignorant of me to disregard your instructions on how to fix the problem that I was having with the missing column values. Please believe me that I did not intentionally blow-off or disregard your advice, I guess that I was rushing through things that day and simply neglected to read the second sentence (Wanting to respond to the first sentence right away.) of your message where you explained how I could have easily fixed the small issue that I was having.

In any event, I did not intentionally mean to discount your surely excellent advise, even though that's what it ended up sounding like I was doing. For that I do apologize.

All the best wishes,
Daniel Monk

I can't help thinking, this is the most friendly and respectful forum on the whole universe! o)
Have a nice weekend alltogether. o)

Don't worry about it. :slight_smile: If there weren't any other config changes you wanted to keep then reverting to the default config by uninstalling & reinstalling may have fixed some other accidents as well.