Why does folders tab color behaves differently?

I configured my tool bars and my folder tab colors to 138,138,138. But the folder tab color looks differently, like there's some gradient effect on it. Anything I can do to change that?

And another unrelated question: can the height of the folder tab toolbar be changed? I tried smaller icons it doesn't affect the height.


If you turn off Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: gloss_and_gradients the gradients will be gone.

Tab height is based on the font size. Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts / Folder tabs

Thanks, gloss_and_gradients did the trick. As for the height, I'm talking about the height of the toolbar, not the folder tab. there's too much extra space, it's about twice as high as it needs be. Not that big of a deal, I'm just wondering if it can be smaller.

Font, icon and Windows visual style sizes are what control how tall the File Display Toolbar is. You'll probably have trouble getting it much smaller than the default, without changing a lot of things (probably including system-wide settings).

You can always turn it off, using Preferences / File Displays / Border / Display as a static header

Okay, thanks.

Do you know which system color affects the file list header (Name, Size, Modified...)?

That comes from the Windows visual style, unless visual styles are disabled ("Windows Classic" theme). It's not something Microsoft provide a way to adjust, except by changing styles.
