Total Commander Style Drivebuttons


I joined DOpus from the total commander world. So typically I use DOpus 10.2 in the dual lister view with 2 side by side listers without treeview. To change drives either in either the left or the right lister, I created 2 drive button bars with have either set OPENINRIGHT or OPENINLEFT to open in the according lister.

Unfortunately unlike Total Commander, the focus is not automatically set to the according lister in which the drive was opened. I'm aware that you can use [ALT]-Tab in a second step to focus but I'm looking for a one click solution.

To accomplish this I tried to extend the command behind the "Go DRIVEBUTTONS=fixed OPENINRIGHT" with a second command "Set FOCUS=Right".
I tried various combinations (First setting focus, then use the Go DRIVEBUTTONS) or each alone.
The commands do both work if used in a standalone button. If I use both together, only the first one will work.

Any ideas if and how this is solvable?

Best regards

Commands which turn into a list of buttons (in this case "Go DRIVEBUTTONS" turns into one button per drive) only work on their own; you can't add another command before or after them.

You could create individual buttons for each drive which run something like "Go C:\ OPENINRIGHT" and then "Set FOCUS=right", but the result would not dynamically update as drives were added and removed.

Another alternative is to use the Drive List drop-down which will set the focus (by default). (More about it here and here.)