Disable copy function

I just want to desable this function. Cause I use SuperCopier years ago and it's verry useful.

And for my second question plz?

FAQ:Why are my Opus windows on-top?


By the way, how to desable the foreground function in opus?


FAQ:Why are my Opus windows on-top?[/quote]

thank you :thumbsup:

Any any for desable copy function? :unamused:


Any any for desable copy function? :unamused:[/quote]

Look in the links Leo posted. There you will find ways to user other copy functions. But you cannot completely disable the built-in copy feature.

What about answering Leo question?


Is there any particular reason you want to use SuperCopier instead of Opus's built-in copy and copy-queue functionality?[/quote]

I just think that SuperCOpier is faster than Opus.

What about answering Leo question?


Is there any particular reason you want to use SuperCopier instead of Opus's built-in copy and copy-queue functionality?[/quote][/quote][/quote]

I can't answer for Abouzaid, but for me, Opus miss some basic copy functionality :

  • size of what you are copying ! It is just amazing that this information is not display. You have the size of the current element under copy, but not the whole size of the file list.
  • list of the files you are copying (the queue), and option to manage this queue (add / remove files).

Supercopier offer this, and it miss me.

I have just acquire Opus, push by a friend, which is certainly your greatest supporter (coucou Ana-L), and it's clearly a very powerfull tool (I love the renaming system). But I'm a little disappointed to loose the supercopier options.

Do you have any plan to implement this functionalities ?

You can calculate the total size before starting the copy (size of selected items is shown in the status bar, and Opus can calculate size of subfolders). We used to display it in the progress dialog but we removed it in Opus 10 as the dialog was really cluttered and it didn't seem that useful, once the job was started.

Opus has a copy queue but it works at the "job" level, so you can't see or remove individual files in the queue. (You can add individual files, creating a new job in the queue, by copying them normally with queueing enabled.) If there are errors then you do get a list of individual files there. I don't think there has been much demand for seeing down to the individual file level in the queue outside of that.

[quote="leo"]You can calculate the total size before starting the copy (size of selected items is shown in the status bar, and Opus can calculate size of subfolders). We used to display it in the progress dialog but we removed it in Opus 10 as the dialog was really cluttered and it didn't seem that useful, once the job was started.

Indeed, you can calculate this information before, but it ask an operation before copy / paste. When I copy a directory, I don't check the whole size : I launch the copy et then react on the display size.
Maybe you can just add an option to display this information ? Those who thing the dialog is already cluttered will keep the new one, and others can have the missing information ?

Opus has a copy queue but it works at the "job" level, so you can't see or remove individual files in the queue. (You can add individual files, creating a new job in the queue, by copying them normally with queueing enabled.) If there are errors then you do get a list of individual files there. I don't think there has been much demand for seeing down to the individual file level in the queue outside of that.[/quote]

I have found the job level. Indeed, it can be enough. It's just that I'm not using to copy that way. I can adapt my usage however. Just give me back the total size of what I'm copying :slight_smile:

Fair enough. It's something we'll consider if more people ask for it (especially if they have linked accounts).

It should also be possible to set up SuperCopier to work within Opus, if either or both of the methods I suggested at the top of the thread work. (I'm not sure if anyone tried them with SuperCopier as there wasn't any feedback.)

Account linked :slight_smile:

It should also be possible to set up SuperCopier to work within Opus, if either or both of the methods I suggested at the top of the thread work. (I'm not sure if anyone tried them with SuperCopier as there wasn't any feedback.)[/quote]

In fact, I have took opus to replace everything : explorer AND supercopier. I want it to be my unique file manager :slight_smile:
I you add this option to display whole file size in a release, you'll make me happy :wink:

Anyway, thanks for yours answers and your time. It's not usual to be able to speak directly to developers :slight_smile:

so here we are :wink:

i like the queue function, but i'm really missing some featues like in fastcopy/supercopy and so on.

  • size of all files in it (really important - no, i don't like to take a calulator for that or scan every directory for that)
  • aprox copy/move time for all files [or simply said - the bars should show everything depending to the queue, not the actual file only]
  • a very very simple check if the files to be copied (in queue or single) fit on the medium. yes, i know, there could be several differences, special reasons why this is not exact. but the preview of the drive shows a free space value - this value could be checked and if file is greater a notice could appear.

-better (skip file if similar) options - somethimes i'm asked very often for that; or skip if older/greater/....

best regards,

Hi, first of all let me say that I was very impressed with the functionalities of Directory Opus since the first time I used it. I have replaced my entire Windows Explorer with it and one of the functions I love the most is the FTP function, I am constantly uploading files and stuff and beeing able to use it from the same app is just great.

I took the time to register today because I am also missing some advanced copy functionality TeraCopy uses, in fact I will follow this guide Copy & Move with TeraCopy to make it the default copy handler for the moment. But seeing Directory Opus as a complete package it would be very usefull that its copy dialog display, at least, the total size of what I am copying.

I do copy a large amount of files from one drive to other often and know the total size of what I am copying at that time would be great.

I always really liked to have as much information on what's my computer doing in background as possible. But then I realized that looking at progress bars, speeds, remaining time/bytes/numbers is just waste of time. Looking at them does not speed up transfers.
Even if somehow you are able to speed things up -- eg. by temporarily pausing operations -- comparing speeds and analyzing speed improvement takes more time than you actually sped up.

Want to copy a folder? Tell DOpus to copy them, minimize progress window and start doing another task, or browse pictures with funny cats. :slight_smile:

why do you need a clock when could look at the sun.

i can't get your point. i like to know if i need ten minutes or half an hour to copy. andy maybe i want to do something different meanwhile while sitting on the pc and take the magic glascrystal and ask it how long it takes maybe. and if maybe all files fit on the image.

and size and speed matters, when you e.g. copy files on a low sd-card. or move hundreds of gb over different drives. and yes, even a better file handling (e.g. skip all existing files regardless of place) would be nice to.

if you don't need it fine. i, and others, need it.

Is Preferences / File Operations / Progress Indicators / Count files in folders before copying for... turned on for the type(s) of drives you are using?

As long as that is on, you should get an estimate of the time remaining for the overall copy (after a few seconds for Opus to get an idea of the speed), and the lower progress bar will be based on the total file size that has been copied out of the total size to be copied overall, too.

sure :wink:

please add one by one serveral folders and files to a queue and you will see that only the actual file/folder is calculated/displayed and not the whole queue. only the actual file(s) are calculated.

copy (mirror) again some foldes with files in a test folder. than copy it again and and hit "skip same or newer" (don't know the exact english for it). you have to click it a lot.....

Even with the only one directory being copied you won't get total size for the whole copy, instead you only get size of current file being copied.

The copy queue is a "job queue", each job is maintained separately.

yes, i know all that. but free programms like tera or fastcopy have this. so why not d'opus?

i know what d'opus can do and what not. so i'm just pointing out to a "wishlist". it#s name is directory opus, so as explorer replacement my main target is working with files. and i'm just pointing out, what I'M missing.
i don't see a reason, why you "defend" the very basic copy functions, what are quite poor and from yesterday in my opinion.

I'm not defending anything, simply explaining how it works.
If you have specialized needs for file copying you are free to use another tool.