Light alloy

Hi all,

I used to use VLC as my media player, I could select many files and play them in order. But I've recently found the excellent Light Alloy. The trouble is it will not work with any of the inbuilt commands and I would like to use this program as it displays vids clearer and better than anything I've used.

Thanks for your help.

Does Light Alloy come with any documentation explaining how its command line or similar works? I looked on the program's website, but the Help section is under construction and blank.

If you can find (or ask on the program's forums) how to pass it multiple files from the command line, we can tell you how to make Opus do that.

What's the problem exactly? Do you miss some kind of context menu to add files to LA?
There is a checkbox to add these items to the explorer context menu in the "settings / file associations" section.

What always works is just dragging some files over to the window of LA.
You also could drag LA.exe to any toolbar of DO while in customize mode and then use that button to play selected files.

LA does support some command line parameters, but I also could not find a list of those.

Command line parameters for Light alloy.

Looks like you just need

"C:...whatever the path is...\LA.exe" {allfilepath}

Using "{allfilepath}" didn't work for me at least, maybe because I tried with UNC paths.

Thanks for that link! o) That list is not complete though. It misses /OnRadio, /AudioMode and /VideoMode which where noted in the change history e.g.
Looks like the developer needs some help doing the documentation in general. Polish, dutch and russian are not necessarily languages the whole world understands. o)

"C:...whatever the path is...\LA.exe" {filepath} works for me.

Yes, that kind of works, but I guess AL gets executed multiple times when using {filepath}, each time adding one of the selected items to its playlist.
It seems to delay and block the AL GUI when loading the player with this method for me, but maybe my computer is just getting old. o)
In the end, all selected files have been added to ALs playlist. Wether this works may still depend on ALs settings.

I didn't know AL before this thread came up btw., I looked into it and just liked it for its mass of options and usability tweaks. I'm a GOM player addict, but AL is really strong competition.
Seems a bit unstable for some special operations, but once a file is playing - no trouble at all, thanks Pasimov for showing us new tools with that question of yours. o)

Hi all,

No matter what commands I use it defaults to it's in built play list. So it just shows the same two files that I first selected.

I really like this program its a lot cleaner than VLC but I feel that the hassle involved may be too much for my non scripting mind to comprehend - feeling sad. :cry:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Light Alloy\LA.exe {allfilepath}
Set as a ms dos batch function this is the best result so far, long live Light Alloy.