EBook Metadata

So, I'm having some issues with ebook metadata, not displaying in DOpus. I can't get any of the metadata to display in the columns in the browser, but in addition to that only extended and standard properties show in the metadata pane when I select my ebooks.

How do I get ebook metadata to display properly?


Which formats are the ebooks and their metadata?

Which metadata fields are we talking about?

The books are in various formats (ePub, PDF, Mobi, etc.) I'm not certain what format the metadata is or how to find that out.

Basically any of the metadata feilds appears to be empty (author, publisher, name, etc.).

Any suggestions or info?


Opus should show some fields for PDF files (unless they're protected). ePub and Mobi formats aren't supported, although someone could write a plugin for them.

anyone know of any add-ons/extensions that allow DOpus to read and display various ebook metadata?

Alissa's Mobihandler can show Title and author for some formats but it hasn't been updated for a longer time. Download the latest version here.

Thumbnails and Cover preview may also be useful to get information about ebook files. For the epub format follow the instructions for Win 7 on this side. Also working for me on Win 10 x64.

For Thumbnails and Cover preview i found this. Super easy to use.

EPUB, CBZ and CBR Thumbnails in Windows