
Update to version 2.0:
See second post for update history.

Update to version 2.1:
See second post for update history.

Thanks for joining the SW-party, as you called it! o)
The auto-update to v2.1 went smooth as well, that's fun! o)

Thanks for the upgrade, too. Seems, like the high CPU issue after quitting tagger is gone now. :thumbsup:

Update to version 2.2:

  • Tagger now automatically detects if the language used by DOpus is set to german and displays all dialogs and descriptions accordingly.
  • Bug fix: If tagfolders was false and the folder contained no valid files because the filter was used the invalid files were hidden but the dialog didn't appear because no valid item was left

Hi @tbone,

Any views for the ways to implement this feature, based on any new features introduced in opus since then . . . .

I guess you should open a dedicated thread for your request and re-explain.. I still think it does not belong here.

I use the Tagger very often, and i'm very satisfied with the script. The only issue is, that after a tagging session, i have to restart Opus almost every time, because it keeps spawning DOS processes (with Opus as the parent process), which would "lock" the last processed file. When that happens, i can't choose another file, because the focus keeps jumping back to that last used file. Maybe there is a way to "auto close" or to prevent any DOS processes to continue, after the Tagger window has been closed? So, i want to file this as a feature request.

Hi abr,
sorry, I somehow missed your last post in this thread maybe because I was in holidays in that time.
There's only one line in the script that triggers a DOS process. The purpose of that line is to clean up the %temp% directory so it's not really necessary. You can delete line 111 (don't uncomment and don't leave an empty line!):

"Run, %comspec% /c del /Q ""%Temp%\AutoMoveTagger.ahk"",,Hide" & vbCrLf &_

Hey, thanks. I've deleted it, like you said. I will report back, when i had my next tagging session.

There is a very big problem, It reposition my explorer's window, and I can't maximization it. even if I close all DO's process

Update 14.01.2016 to version 2.3:

  • Fixed: the temporary Autohotkey script moved all windows that contained the word "Tagger". Now only dialogs containing the string "Tagger - Directory Opus" will be moved.

@scmaybee: Thanks for reporting this. Please download the new version. Your explorer window should no longer be moved even if the title contains the word "Tagger". In fact the script also moved my firefox window while showing this site. :smiley:

I seem to have a new problem with a dozen of conhost.exe zombie processes, after have i used Tagger. They can't be killed anyhow, even logging out & back in again wouldn't stop them, so i need to reboot, even if i edited a few images (doesn't happen all the time, but quite often). Therefore i would suggest, GPSoft would provide some fullscreen tag editor, which doesn't depend on workarounds & Autohotkey. The built in tag editor is not an alternative, because it doesn't work in full screen mode.

It would be great, if we had the following:

  • full screen editing tags in a transparent window, as Tagger allows now
  • viewing existing tags in full screen mode, similar to the F1 functionality

Maybe this makes it into the next main release of Opus? :smiley:

It should be have some new feature:

  1. The dialog start in the center of screen and could be moved by manual.
  2. When the dialog is active, select items should be allowed.

Update 24.09.2016 to version 2.3.1:

  • Fixed: If in Script Configuration TagFolders was set to False and Filter was empty the Script didn't open.

I've found a possible bug/unwanted effect in the Tagger. I am working with almost only JPGs, very rarely wit RAW, but used to include some screenshot of my current tour in the PNG format. This causes the Tagger to apply the tags to the wrong images, confusing the Tagger.

Please make an option to make the Tagger completely ignore all PNG files inside a directory. Meanwhile, as a workaround, i have to move the PNG file to some subfolder, while editing the metadata.

Are you using Tagger or the newer version Tagger 3? Anyway, you can use the argument FILTER=jpg|raw to exclude some file types.

Yes, i'm using version 3. But anyway, i'm using that filters setting already, but the issue still occurs with PNG files present in the working folder. Not a big problem, since i can move the file inbetween, but i wanted to report it anyway.


I can't reproduce that here. If you don't want to apply tags to PNG-files remove them from your filter:


Ok, thanks, will try that. I don't even recall why i included them in the first place.