11.15.4 (beta) and Win 10 Action Centre

Since installing DO 11.15.4 (beta) I'm constantly reminded by the Win 10 Action Centre that I need to reboot to finalise the install:

This is despite me rebooting at least twice and me clearing all items (global and individual) shown in the Action Centre.

Is 08:54 earlier than the last time you cleared action center and rebooted?

Yep the notification was originally triggered yesterday after the DO uplift. I've cleared it twice yesterday and once today after with two reboots as well. It seems to come back every Action Centre refresh.

Tried reinstalling again?

That might clear the memory in Windows.

Reinstalled but can't reboot until tonight, will see if it fixes it for the morrow.

That must be a bug in Action Center (which doesn't surprise me as it and the rest of the Windows 10 shell are still riddled with them; Action Center is often confused here, just from the Windows Update notifications). There's no way Opus could go back in time, to before a reboot, and re-insert a notification in the past which you had already cleared.

Possibly, no such issue at home, but thought it worth a mention.

That's what you get for using a beta OS :slight_smile:

Erm it launched a while back Jon :slight_smile:

The fact that it launched doesn't mean it was ready for launch :wink:

It just needed a bit more polishing! :slight_smile:

Beta + Beta = Boom