Greetings. Some behavior I've noticed about this new option, I'm not sure what's going on.
I don't always have Everything running in the background, and I've noticed that since I set this option in DO, Everything autostarts, but without me having performed any searches. It just starts spontaneously.
FWIW, I don't have any script events triggering searches with Everything.
Is there any way to find out what's causing this? Perhaps some additional debug info somewhere in order to know what is triggering Everything's autolaunch?
It should only be because of an Everything query. Maybe the Everything debug window can show you what's being sent?
Thanks. I think I figured out what's causing this. Since I have 'Use Everything to calculate folder sizes' checked, and the tooltip for folders shows the size in my case (and triggers a size calc), whenever I activate such a tooltip, Everything auto starts.
I imagine this is intended? At first, I thought that option only affects actual searches.
Yes it shouldn't trigger for size calculations, only search queries.
Well, the Everything debug consoles shows the same, it's a query for a folder size calculation.
Confirmed, fixed in next beta.
Fixed. Thanks.
And btw, could you please add an easy way via scripting to know if this option is set?
In my scripts, I usually check if Everything is already running before starting a search, but when this option is set, not only is it unnecesary, but doing so also cancels the search command when it shouldn't (because Everything can auto-start if set).
Added in next beta.
Many thanks! That's way more that I was expecting!