Access network via pathbar

In new pathbar (... > ... > ... >) DO removes "\" after pressing enter.

Unfortunately you have to re-enter them when typing in an admin permission like "c$" for example, because DO doesn't find the network-pc without the "\" (for example "\PC2" will be "PC2" only).

DO should remember the entered path when switching back to typing-mode.

It's worth noting that it only happens in the root of a computer. If you're in a share (or a subdirectory of a share) then the proper path \server\share\etc\etc is shown when you edit the path. Only when you're in \server does it show "server".

That said, I still agree that it should be fixed. It's caused me a minor annoyance once or twice.

I know, but I always use admin-shares except on my NAS-devices :wink:

None the less DO should remember correct paths.