I was surprised to find that th extension wpd was not in the System File Types list. Then, when I tried to add it, I got a message that it was already defined in Unknown File Types, where I, however, could see no file extensions.
I bailed out after the error message, because I wanted to ask here first. What does the above mean?
I'm not sure what causes it exactly but I also saw that error message (with a different file type) recently and it looked like the file type was half-created in the registry, but not all there.
I think I reinstalled the program that was associated with the type and that repaired it, or maybe I manually cleaned up the registry.
Since I do not have WordPerfect (old files spurred this query), I would like to look in the registry. Would you by any change remember where you looked?
Steje, I get so many hits, and I do not know which ones are pertinent to my problem.
However, I ignored the error message and added .wpd as a group.
However, it is fickle. For a while, I had an Open with... 9MS Word) for this extension. It worked. Then, I set MS Word to be the file that would open wpd files if I double-clicked on them. Double-clicking only produced an empty Word file.
Then, I could not get Open with... back for this file type.
And, finally, I set MS Word to be the app taht opened wpd files when I double-clicked on them. Now, it works!