Adding items to ContextMenu when Hide items enabled

Hi all, I have the Hide Windows Items on the file context menus(shift overrides) setting enabled. I am trying to add a few of my most used programs to the right click menu before I hit the shift key.

For example, I use UltraEdit on all sorts of documents. Instead of clicking shift-Rclick to see it(which after years of practice I still forget to do.) I would like for it to show up on just a right click. Same with Send-to email (if possible)

Is there any way to do this?

Wait. I knew as soon as I asked I'd figure it out - even though I've been trying for months.

Went to Settings>File Types and chose All Files at the top and then the Context Menus tab

Inserted a command for UltraEdit

CD {sourcepath}
"C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit\uedit64.exe" {filepath$}

Works great! Not to figure out a Send-To email insertion.