On 10.5.1 if I go to the address bar and type "\tm" or "\dr" (without quotes) I get strange results.
In previous versions DO was autocompleting the paths to "c:\tmp" and "c:\dropbox".
It seems OK here.
What are the 'strange results' that you're seeing?
Are you in a path below C:\ when you type into the address field? (It would not find folders at the root of C:\ if you're not, even in previous versions.)
I see. The thing is with windows explorer I can press Win+E, Alt+d, "\dr" and press Enter to navigate to c:\dropbox, while with DO it takes additional three keypresses - I have to type "c:\dr". It's surely no big deal, but I do this many times a day for different folders in C:. Somehow windows explorer is able to both default to C: and allow special names like Desktop and Documents. IMHO it's worth copying over this feature.
You could use a simple alias to go to those locations, which would requires only one botton or hotkey.
This is a command to add an alias for the folder you´re in:
Favorites ADD=alias NAME={dlgstring}
If you call it "dropbox" odr "db", for instance, the you can enter it by typing "/dropbox" or "/db", ENTER.
You can also configure the autocomplete pop up in -> settings -> folders -> folder behavior -> autocomplete -> show pop up.
You don't need the alt+d before you start typing a path into Opus so it's the same number of keypresses in Opus:
Win+E, c:\dr
Or, if you change Win+E to open a folder below C:, it's even fewer:
Win+E, \dr
(Or you can set up an alias as abr suggests above, then it could be as short as Win+E, /d )
You can type a forward slash to access /desktop and /mydocuments (with autocompletion so you don't have to type the whole things, of course).
What Explorer won't do is let you quickly jump to directories in the root of the current drive; it always go to the root of C:, and I suspect it's just by accident as Explorer.exe's current directory will be C:\Windows\System32 and it's applying the "" relative folder to that. Opus applies to the directory currently shown in the window (without needing it to be the CD of the process).
We'll change this in the next update so that if a non-filesystem path is visible, relative paths beginning with \ will be taken as relative to the root of the drive Opus is installed on.