Advance function

[quote="nudel"]Ah, it's not a bug, it's because the command is being parsed twice after it's generated: First by MS-DOS and then by Opus.

Try using two " instead of "' and '". If that doesn't work try using three, and so on. MS-DOS does strange things to quotes sometimes but it usually starts to work if you add enough of them (but not too many :slight_smile:). Usually you only need two.

Something like this should work, although I haven't tried it:

@nofilenamequoting dopusrt /cmd CreateFolder NAME=""{destpath}{file$|noext}""
The doptest tool by Tanis is good here for checking the command that you're generating after it's been processed by MS-DOS.[/quote]
Thanks for the pointer to doptest. It has allowed me to establish that this is a bug (IMO) but before I report it I thought it would be prudent to let the experts have a look. This works....

@nofilenamequoting dopusrt /cmd CreateFolder NAME=""{destpath}{file$|noext}"
Note the mismatched number of opening (2) and closing (1) double quotes. If I add a second closing double quote, it fails.

Regards, AB