Advanced Command Editor: Shortcut for the text edit


is there already one so that the text edit gets the focus? Need that for automation. My workaround is to use [Alt+e] for the Edit menu, [l] for Select All and then [Ctrl+End] to jump to the source end. Works, but :unamused:!

Many thanks and greetings

[Alt+e], Esc is probably the quickest. (Plus [Ctrl+End] to get to the end of the text if you want that. You'll always need that if the cursor isn't already at the end.)

If you're automating button creation, it may be easier to output XML button definitions directly instead. Or to use a script and not have to automate things at all, depending on what is being done.

Hello Leo,

thanks for the hint [Alt+e], Esc - is working. I tried that, but the dialog was then closed. Don't know why. Tried it now again and it's really working.

Many thanks and greetings