TABS - Have spent hours on keeping my tabs alive. Apparently this feature creature doesn't like my Lister.The girl needs help . . . I have Googled, read all references and settings on Tabs I could fine and even wiped them all out and started over again, tabs that is. As soon as I change to another Style and return, all gone! When I reopen DO, gone; even when I sneak up on a Style, gone. Only time I see them is when I make them ; (
Being serious though, way to much time has been spent on this problem. What in the world have I missed?
Styles can change which tabs are open, if they are set to do that.
Edit the style which causes the problem, and make sure the Tab Group checkbox is turned off for both the Left File Display and Right File Display pages at the bottom.
Hi Leo, I will surely do that now . . . Bet that's the gremlin. It is kinda confusing because that style would have a Tab Group, right? Anyhoo, you know I am disparate when I need to post, better than getting an email though, I'm sure. ; )