All the Labels

  1. I've assigned a number of labels to a single file. How can I view all the labels I've assigned to it?
  2. Let's say my labels are x, y, and z. I label file.jpg as x, then, y, then z in that order. When I search for files labeled z, I get file.jpg. When I search for files labeled x, I get nothing. If the labels are stackable, shouldn't I get file.jpg when I search on ANY of the labels, not just the most recent one I assign?

Thanks in advance!

Turn on the Label column to easily see all labels assigned to a file.

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Also, make sure you are adding labels, not replacing them.

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That only shows one label at a time. Is there a way I can see ALL of the labels assigned to a specific file?

Hmmm... Didn't realize there was a difference. Right now, I only know of right-clicking and assigning labels that way, and it sounds like I AM replacing, not adding. How do I add labels, then?

If you're using the right-click menu, find the Set Label menu item via Settings > File Types, as shown below:

Double-click it and add ADDLABEL SETLABELTOGGLE to the end of the command, like this:

Then click OK in each window until they're all closed, and you should be good to go.

If you also use the similar Set Label command in the Properties button/menu on the default toolbars, you might want to edit that as well, via Settings > Customize Toolbars.

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That was EXACTLY what I needed! Thank you VERY much!

Come to find out, I was replacing labels; not adding them. Which is why I was only seeing one label at a time (because that's all there were!). Now that I can ADD labels, your method works like a charm.
So, thanks! :slight_smile: