Alternate Data Streams

As seen Directory Opus can write three types of Alternate Data Streams into files:

:□SummaryInformation is for "Description" with maximum of 268 characters

:□DOpusMetadata is for "Set Label" (changes the color of the font) and for "Status" (Checked, Flagged, Important, Pinned)

:{4c8cc155-6c1e-11d1-8e41-00c04fb9386d} (added to every file)

Can these Alternate Data Streams also be read by other file managers or apps or are they proprietary and only readable by DOpus?

Can DOpus find files with ADS Injection by using the utility panel?

Anything can read them. I don't think anything else does, as far as I know.

The find panel can't search for ADS, unless you wrote a script column that reported when ADS was present on a file. ADS is rarely that interesting, thought. Why are you looking for it? What problem are you trying you solve?

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There aren't any problems. I like that DOpus has ADS Function built in. So I will use it occasionally to mark some files. DOpus is really :muscle: