Alternative Lister view: folding "tree"

In some file managers there is a type of lister view where each folder has an arrow icon on the left and you can then use arrow keys (or click on that arrow) to expand/collapse that folder without having to actually "open" it to preview what's inside.
For example, here is this implementation in the default Windows Explorer within it's tree view (although this example is not showing any files as a proper lister view would)

It's a great navigation alternative that among other things helps save a bit on recalculating sizes/regrouping of folders/files that happens when go back to your view after opening a folder only to realize there is nothing of interest there :slight_smile: and going back
Is there a way to enable this feature in Directory Opus?

Opus has a treeview just like Explorer's.

I know, but I don't want a treeview, I want it to be in the main lister view with all the extra info and sorting that I've set up. Treeview was just the most accessible example to get a screenshot from to describe how this feature looks like.
You could check Path Finder in macOS to see this feature implemented in the main file view.
UPD: screenshot from PathFinder with two folders unfolded (this is remembered so that if I fold Profiles and unfold it back, it will remember that Displays was also unfolded and show the Color LCD-xxx file — moreover, this is remembered if I close this tab and navigate back to it later)

Flat View Grouped is similar (a tree of both files and folders), except you can't collapse the branches.

We might add collapsing to Flat View Grouped one day. Filtering can already sort-of do it, but you probably don't want the entire hierarchy to be read even for things you don't want expanded, which is the real issue. It would need to work like the Folder Tree and only read as far as you have expanded.

There are several other ways to work at multiple levels in a folder hierarchy already, however. Which is most suitable depends on exactly what you're doing.

Seconded enthusiastically!

Selectively Collapsible / Expandable folders, within main lister on Flat Tree mode, would be wonderfully useful. Especially with very large directories stuffed with hundreds of sub-directories (Music Collections for instance)

I keep trying to do that (used to that behavior from Beyond Compare) and of course it jumps me into that sub-directory instead.

Its been 2 years since eugenesv asked about this.
Has there been any progress?

It would be a great feature to have (& help justify what is, to me, quite an expensive software purchase)
