Android: delete/move pictures&videos hangs from Opus whilst it's OK from Explorer

It happens for a while now and it just came to my mind that I may try it from Windows Explorer, whereas plain copy works just fine.

Did you try the Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: mtp_enable toggle?
Setting it to False should delegate most of it to Explorer shell and so might behave like in Explorer.

Yeah, I forgot about the setting, and I thought there could be some discussion about that but I was in a hurry, so. My phone is Samsung Galaxy S6. I'm not sure if it is the problem with Android in general or only Samsung's phones.

I am just trying with only 13 pictures that I took yesterday and mtp_enable off.

However, it still does not work.

Not that it cannot do a detail view in the pane or filtering, but it also cannot do the move but only copy.


So, as the same action works in Explorer, I believe there is still something in Opus that keeps it broken. Whatever, it is there is no to keep mtp_enable to off so I'm switching it back to on.