Any way to have clicking on tab bar or nav buttons activate the display?

I've been using DOpus for years and am gradually getting more fluent. This forum has been a fabulous resource. One thing I've never been able to figure out is whether there's a way to have a lister selected by clicking on the tab bar (outside of the tabs), or clicking on the navigation bar buttons for a lister. I will often have, say, the left lister active, and want to move up one folder and select the right lister, but this takes two clicks—on on the Up arrow, the other in the file or folder list. Or I'll just click on a blank area of the tab bar, but that has no effect. This is counter-intuitive to me; it seems to me that clicking in either of those places would activate the lister I've clicked in. Any way to tweak this?

Try turning on Preferences / File Displays / Border / Set file display to source when border buttons are used.

I think that will do what you want.

Thank you! That does it for when I click on a navigation button, which is great. It still doesn't affect the tab bar—clicking on a blank area of the tab bar doesn't select that lists. The buttons are the bigger deal for me, but if there's a way to also have the tab bar activate the lister, that would be great.

Thanks for the help!

This post might interest you How to activate other side in dual lister.

Its a bit of a read but I think it covers all options.

Thanks! There's a lot in there, and helps me get a deeper sense of some of the possibilities.

I've found an apparent anomaly in how DOpus works in terms of where you can click to switch focus between two lister panes in a dual lister view. If the left pane is the destination, and I click on the horizontal scrollbar at the bottom of the lister, it does not change focus to make that pane active. But if the right pane is the destination and I click on the horizontal scrollbar at the bottom of that pane, focus shifts to that pane.

Clicking on the status bar shifts focus regardless of which pane is active.

This isn't too big a deal for me, but I thought I'd report it as it seems it might not be the intended way for DOpus to work.

Are you using List mode on the left and something else (e.g. Details mode) on the right?

If so, that would explain the difference. It's not a left vs right thing but something Details mode does which List mode doesn't. (I'm not sure if there's a reason List mode doesn't, or if it's just something we overlooked until now, since we rarely use List mode ourselves.)

That's it—thanks! There's a few contexts in which I always use list mode, but I never guessed it would behave differently than other modes. If it's easy, that would be a nice tweak for some future release. Thanks again for all the help; DOpus has made a huge difference in my life, and I've promoted it heavily to family and friends. Such a great product!

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I've always wanted to ask the "have clicking tab bar activate display" part of @tomgoodell's question.
Since this wasn't answered directly, I'd like to hook into this and ask again, is there a way to switch SRC/DST by simply clicking in the open space offered by the tab bars?

The areas marked red really invite to click there to switch the SRC lister. Vertical tabs make this area even bigger, so I guess I am tempted to click there even more since having switched away from the horizontal tab layout.

Thanks! o)

As near as I can tell, from all that's been written on this thread, there's no way to do that. But, if you read through all the comments and try out the things they suggest, there's good learning about some related options. And, please know that I'm not an expert, just something slightly beyond novice. Perhaps there's a way to do it with some of the more advanced capabilities of DOpus.

We've made two changes for the next version:

  • The folder tab strip's empty space can now be clicked to activate that side of the lister (unless tab_click_nofocus is on).

  • Clicking a file display's scrollbars will now make it the source in all cases. (Previously, this only happened for Details and Power modes.)

I think that covers everything in this thread that wasn't already possible/consistent. Please shout if I've overlooked anything.

Too early to tell whether clicking the scroll bars will switch src/dst accidentally, but being able to click below the vertical stacked tabs is surely appreciated! Thx! o)

It already worked that way for Details mode so if you haven't run into problems already, it should be fine.

We can make it optional if it does cause problems, but I don't think it will.

(The mousewheel can still be used to scroll the file display without activating it, too.)

These are great tweaks! Thank you!