[quote]The special Opus Layout called Synchronize Lister is normally opened by the Tools - Synchronization menu (actually this uses the command Go CURRENT DUALPATH={destpath} LAYOUT=synchronize). By default this is a dual display with a single Tree on the left and the sync utility panel open. If you wish you can change this. To do so, open Synchronize from the Tools menu then change the Lister display to what you wish, two Trees, no Tree and so on, then hold down the Shift key when you click the Close button on the top right of the Lister and this new Layout will be automatically saved. (Note this is the general shortcut method of re-saving any existing Lister Layout.)
If you would prefer to have the Synchronize panel open inside your current Lister instead of in a new Lister, you can edit the command in the default Tools menu and change it to Set UTILITY=Sync,Toggle.[/quote]
As far as I can determine, there is no Synchronize layout (or any other layout) defined in a new installation of Opus 9 and the Synchronize menu item seems to be initially set to Set UTILITY=Sync,Toggle.
The sync layout still exists but I think it is hidden, or hidden until you use it, or something like that. It was annoying how it got in the way of the user-created layouts in the list in Preferences before.
You're right that the manual needs updating to reflect the new default command.
[quote="nudel"]The sync layout still exists but I think it is hidden, or hidden until you use it, or something like that. It was annoying how it got in the way of the user-created layouts in the list in Preferences before.
You're right that the manual needs updating to reflect the new default command.[/quote]
This is mostly a matter of curiosity now. When the manual gives the correct default command, probably no one will care about the Synchronize layout, but if it's hidden, how does one use it.
I changed the command (function) from Set UTILITY=Sync,Toggle to Go CURRENT DUALPATH={destpath} LAYOUT=synchronize.
As soon as I click Synchronize in the Tools menu, I get: