DO opens archives as if they were folder, which I like.
But I was wondering, is it possible to set folder options for that type of "folder".
The reason I'm asking, I have my download folder sorted on Date Modified. But when I open an archive from that folder, the files in the archive also get sorted on Date Modified.
I know it's only a simple mouse-click to get them to sorted by Name but it would be nice if I could just have them sorted "the right way" from the start.
Also I might like to have a different backdrop for archives then I do for the download folder...
There's an Archives folder format in Prefs which you can set up any way you like. Also, set the Downloads Folder format so that it doesn't affect sub-folders which may be the case with yours.
I tried the archives folder in prefs but no matter what I changed in there, it didn't have any effect...
But I hadn't thought of the sub-folder thing (the setting has been there so long). I think I'll give that a try...
Turns out the archives folder format does work, except when opening an archive from the libraries. When I open an archive from the libraries I get the default folder option, unless I set the folder options from one of the parents (within the libraries) to affect it's sub-folders...
Actually guys... I wouldn't have thought that the "Archives" format would have worked for what you said you wanted at all...
That's a "Content Type" folder format... it should only set the format for the parent folders which CONTAIN enough archive files to meet the content type threshold criteria... it's not primarily what you'd use to set the format INSIDE of the archives...
I think you have two options that'd be more specific to what "I" thought you wanted from reading the post...
1.) There is a default ZIP folder format in prefs as well. That should control the display of contents INSIDE of ZIP files... if you're only concerned about ZIP files - as I rather imagine that ZIP format won't affect other types of archives now supported by Leo's 7z plugin, and I don't think there's another equivalent default format that would affect them "all". Might be worth a feature request to have that default format apply to other archive types as well if it makes sense...
2.) There is the awesome new WILDCARD PATH format feature in v10... you could use it in one of several ways.
[ul][li]You could simply add a sub-folder rule on top of your existing folder format for the downloads format... for instance, if your download folder is D:\Downloads... you could add a new wildcard path format for D:\downloads*.(zip|7z|rar) - and set the format to your liking.[/li]
[li]You could similarly just make a format that controls all archive formats regardless of location... *.(zip|7z|rar)[/li][/ul]
Then again - maybe I just misinterpreted what you wanted - since your last post indicated that you got it working to your liking except for inside of libraries. About THAT... if you're not running the BETA from the News & Announcements forum... can you try that to see if it "fixes" whatever it was that you found to not work as expected related to the format inside of Libraries? I had submitted a bug report which was fixed which I believe should fix what I think you're saying happens here...
In any event:
In whichever format works for what you want, you can change the "Image" setting on the "Options" tab... that'll give you your background image for the folder.
[quote="steje"]... About THAT... if you're not running the BETA from the News & Announcements forum... can you try that to see if it "fixes" whatever it was that you found to not work as expected related to the format inside of Libraries? I had submitted a bug report which was fixed which I believe should fix what I think you're saying happens here...
In any event:
In whichever format works for what you want, you can change the "Image" setting on the "Options" tab... that'll give you your background image for the folder.[/quote]
I used steve's suggestion (turned off sub-folders for the downloads format) to "fix" the date modified thing.
And you're right, I needed the zip folder format. I used both of them to see which would have the desired affect... none did...
But I always opened the zips and rars from within the libraries. The other day I was lazy and just put the rar file in the root of my C drive and and when I opened it from there and the image I had set in the zip folder format showed up...
I then tried browsing to my download folder without using the libraries and from there the image and background were also shown...
Still, no joy when opening an archive from the libraries though... even in
Ok, that you ALSO set the ZIP folder format (besides the Archives Content Type format) should explain your results... I hadn't tested again myself with the Libraries because I was confused by what I thought you wanted, thought you did, then thought your results were . FWIW - you can probably go nuke whatever you had been trying with the "Archives" Content Type folder format - it shouldn't really have anything to do with what you want to do .
I just went back and retested and confirmed that the latest fixes for Library compatibility still don't include folder formats working as expected in libraries (at least on XP).
As a workaround... you could still use the wildcard folder format feature to achieve your desired end result until it's properly "fixed":
Create a wildcard folder format with the following path pattern: lib://*.(7z|rar|zip). Or if you want to make it specific to the downloads folder you've added to a library, then prepend that particular library path element before the *.(7z|rar|zip) component and you should be golden...