Are libraries created with vista compatible with windows 7?

For example, I have DOPus on my vista machine, I set up my libraries as required. Now, in vista if I try to open anything in a library, the application that attempts to open the file reports that it cannot access the file. This is what I expected, as libraries on vista are implemented in Directory Opus and NOT windows.

However, say I now save my configuration, upgrade to Windows 7 and reinstall Directory Opus and restore my configuration from that saved on vista, will the libraries that have been imported, still work as in vista, ie. applications will not be able to find the files, or will the imported libraries actually become part of windows libraries and thus as applications are aware of windows libraries, applications would then be able to access the files in the libraries.

I hope that makes sense, as I am planning on upgrading to 7 and would like to know how this will work when I transition.

Thanks in advance for any help.

No they won't unfortunately, you'll need to recreate your libraries under Windows 7.

Oh bugger, thats a shame. Not the end of the world but would be nice if a tool could be implemented, so importing libraries into DOpus would also populate the real Windows Libraries too.

This has just got me thinking though, if DOPus is running on windows 7, is the "Libraries" displayed that of Opus's or windows ? if I create a library in windows 7, do I see that library in DOPus and vice versa? Just thinking out loud here, going to go and read some documentation about it.

In Windows 7 the libraries shown are always the system's libraries - the Opus emulation is only used under XP/Vista.

Libraries are defined by just the set of parent folders they contain, so they're easy to re-create (unless you're doing something unusual and have lots and lots of different folders in a library).

They're not like Collections where you'd potentially have to think about every individual file/folder they contain.

Well, ran in to my next problem. I had the chance to test it last night on a test build.

The folders I added to libraries in vista worked fine, however they would not work in windows 7. I was trying to add mapped network drives, DOpus allowed me in vista, but neither DOPus or windows would allow me to in 7 (Error saying disk needs to be indexed). I believe this is a problem to do with WDS 4.0 and windows itself and is totally unrelated to DOPus. Unfortunately, all my data is on my network via mapped drives which means the library feature may be a non-starter for me! :frowning: :frowning:

Network folders can be indexed and Windows 7 will let you add them to libraries if they are, although I don't know if it requires Windows 7 to be used on the server/share side as well.

(The indexing is still done on the machine that contains the folder, not over the network.)

I've certainly got libraries that point at network shares and work okay (aside from some warnings that not all library features will be available). Both ends have Windows 7.

If I try adding a folder shared from an XP machine, I see the error you mention. I'm not sure if that error would go away if you have Windows Search installed on the machine and it set to index the folder, or if it'll only go away with Windows 7 on the machine.

Well, I done a bit of reading about it, and I think it works OK if both machines are running the same OS, but if your server is a different OS (mine is server 2008) then problems are introduced.

The main problem seems to stem from different versions of WDS coming with the OS and not being cross platform compatible (from what I can make out). There are many hacks / a couple workaround's, but nothing that is very elegant. This information, I gathered from this thread: ... ary-6.html

However, on another forum, a user using Windows 2008 R2 is reporting success (dont know if it will apply to my 2008 build or not, yet) ... fb107f19f/

Just going to have to do some testing I guess.