Audio Tags (iTunes AAC, ALAC, Ogg, FLAC, APE, SPX, Opus)

Well, it seems that the Opus codec is gaining popularity faster than I thought. Tag&Rename already implemented it in one of the latest beta. So, between VLC, foobar2000, Tag&Rename and Android, DOpus will be the last one to implement the Opus codec in my environment.

Also, it seems that it would be quite easy to implement the Opus codec, since it shares the same VorbisComment structure that Opus already recognizes:

It will be added, don't worry.

Hello, Leo.

It would be great if you could add cover art editing for m4a files, both ALAC and AAC in metadata pane. I think this is a useful feature for all apple users. As it is now this option is only available for mp3, and I have to open dbPowerAmp tag editor every time.

Is it possible?

We may add that in the future, although it's unrelated to this plugin. The metadata panel has its own tagging code, partly for historical reasons (the plugin existed first and already works) and partly for pragmatic reasons (the plugin is read-only and optimised for speed and for reading from archive streams, which aren't applicable in metadata panel).

Thanks for the information and clarification. I just thought that metadata panel uses plugin to extract tag data from the file.

P.S. I'll keep my fingers crossed that someday you will implement this feature. :slight_smile:

Now available in 11.16.1 (beta).

Hi Leo,

on 2009-05-27 you added the implementation of ID3v2.3/4 for WAV/AIFF files to the to-do list.

Is there any plan in the near future (we have 2016 now :grin: ) to implement this functionality: Access via jscript to read/update these tags and show the columns in DO?

For over 8 years I'm doing workarounds to get the data into the files.

I'm able to get the data information via jscript from discogs (as I want) after ripping with EAC, but I can not write it directly into the files nor can I update information automatically whenever I want (e.g. changes in data on discogs).

As far as I know you are using or partial code from there, or isn't it? I don't know anything about rights & licenses, but isn't it possible to use taglib 1:1?


PS: I can't and won't switch to another lossless format. It's for compatibility (car radio, djing software, dj cd player, avoiding additional conversations, etc.).

Opus uses taglib but this plugin does not, mainly for speed and the ability to handle files inside archives.

ID3-in-wav may happen one day but to be honest no one else is asking for it, so while it's on the list it's a low priority.

While I've added support for some esoteric formats in the plugin, they've all been straightforward and in particular have not involved ID3 tags. Once ID3 is involved it changes things from a quick task I might do on a Sunday morning for fun into real work that has to compete with all the other requests and priorities.

So ID3-in-wav is unlikely unless more people ask for it (enough to justify doing it over other work), or someone sends me a code patch (the plugin source is available), or some kind of bribe (enough to make me want to work on it over a weekend).

[quote="mark_d"]Well, it seems that the Opus codec is gaining popularity faster than I thought. Tag&Rename already implemented it in one of the latest beta. So, between VLC, foobar2000, Tag&Rename and Android, DOpus will be the last one to implement the Opus codec in my environment.

Also, it seems that it would be quite easy to implement the Opus codec, since it shares the same VorbisComment structure that Opus already recognizes:[/quote]

This was added in Opus 12, which is in public beta now (see link in my signature).

Excellent news!

Ok, so call me crazy but I haven't been able to figure out how to "enable" this plugin. I'm Running DOpus 11.19 but can't seem to find out how to access this.Supposedly it's already included in DOpus 11. Any hint on how to access this?


You don't normally have to enable it (unless it has been disabled in the past). It is enabled by default.

It should be listed under Preferences / Viewer / Plugins.

OK I found it. I also finally figured out how to get the display to show the columns the initial screen shot showed.
Right Click on Column headings --> Columns --> Music

Directory Opus is just so versatile!


Would it be possible for support for files with the m4b suffix (audiobooks) to be added. They should be the same as .m4a files but with a different suffix.


Done for the next update. You'll need to add the extension to the Music file type group if you want their tags to appear in tooltips.

Thank you for the quick fix. I look forward to the nex update.


Sorry if I may overread it, but for Flac will there be coverart-support in future?

Would be nice using only DO for tagging.

The plugin already displays FLAC coverart in thumbnails mode.

If you mean editing coverart, plugins can't do that currently.

Yes, meant plugin. Used MP3Tag until now, but now switch to Metaflac.exe, so it can be done within DO.