Auto-close the floating toolbar


I've created main button (Toolbar NAME=MyApps STATE=float TOGGLE) that opens floating toolbar with some frequently used applications. And I need to auto-close this toolbar after clicking to any button there.

I found only one way to do this: add command "Toolbar CLOSE=*this" after each button. But this solution has an bug: main button stays in selected state (like toolbar is open/active) after closing.

Is there any ideas to do auto-closing?

I don't think there's any way to do auto-closing right now.

You can 'solve' the problem of the main button staying pushed in using @toggle:disable like this:

Toolbar NAME=MyToolbar STATE=float TOGGLE

(Of course, this 'solves' it by making it never look pushed in, so it's not perfect.)

Thank you. Partly this solution helps. But autoclosing feature would be better if course. I need send feature request to support or it's already there? :slight_smile:

No need, it's already on the request list. (But has been for a long time, so I don't know when/if it'll happen. We did talk about it for Opus 10 but didn't get to it in the end. It's definitely a useful idea, though, so it hasn't been ruled out or anything.)