1、How can DO auto enter filter mode when i type any letters, Like Total Command.
2、Can DO use space to instead "*" as wildcard character?
The filter mode should be entered, whenever you start typing. In -> settings -> preferences -> file display -> filter bar you can
try to set the space bar (if it´s not assigned otherwise, which might be the case). The lower two checkboxes should be checked (aprtial match / real time).
Not necessarily, I don't think. If Settings -> Preferences -> File Displays -> Filter Bar -> Activation Key: is checked, filter mode will not be entered unless the activation key (* by default) is typed. Depending on the state of Settings -> Preferences -> File Displays -> Find-As-You-Type -> Require activation key for Find mode, typing something other than the Filter Bar activation key, will invoke Find mode or do nothing.
Yes, you´re right. It is recommended to read the manual here, since there are a couple of options to check. I thought, the activationless, or normal FAYT version is the standard.