Auto PNG opacity

Hello. Is there a way to change PNG file's opacity via cli tool?

i've try to use ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick. can't get needed result. the syntax is too complex and no good examples in help.

cd {s} 
magick.exe {o} -alpha set -channel A -evaluate set 50% 2_{o|ext=png}

this command with Dopus's button gets a white empty image, from CLI - bad result.


from CLI

from Dopus. Commands are the same

Syntax looks alright. Try {f} instead of {o}.

same results

Try a standard button instead of MS-DOS.

in a basis of this command there is no opacity (see pic.2)
want this

got this

Try this in CLI: magick test.png -alpha set -channel A +level 0,50% out.png

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Yes! That's great! Thanx a lot!