Auto-saving & Auto-restoring Folder Changes

Which options must I change to emulate the following?:

When I visit any folder on my system, and change anything related to columns or file icon representation, it is automatically saved and restored upon reentry. Once saved, could one then apply that preset to another folder down the road?


You would need to click a button to save changes at the moment as it's not automatic.

Some more detail here: How to Automatically Save the Folder View Type? - #4 by Leo

We find this better as it means changes are explicit rather than accidental, and temporary changes don't have to be undone to get back to normal. But we're also thinking about adding an automatic mode for people who want something more similar to how File Explorer.

(In theory, you could also have a script which automatically saves the change for each folder when you change folders, but you'd end up with a huge number of folder formats and quite a mess, so I wouldn't recommend that currently.)

Thank you, I'll be looking into creating a save button.

Would you say what I described would already represent quite a mess if an auto-save were implemented (column names, position, width, and icon representation)?

Thanks again.

I think auto-saving would create a mess with the way things work currently, but we have some plans for something similar which will require some changes on our side of things but should make it work much better.

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