Auto-size columns do not stick

When i launch Dopus the Name column is too small and do not auto-size to the name/names of the folders.

If i right click and choose More > Display and check Auto-size columns the problem goes away. However, if i close Dopus and launch it again the setting i made is forgotten. If i go back to More > Display, Auto-size columns are un-checked. Have i missed a setting in the Preferences or is it a bug?

This is what i mean:

I can't even find the setting in the options any more to turn the option on :slight_smile:

Yes, i forgot... :slight_smile:

  1. Right click on any column, such as Name, and click on More.
  2. In the Folder Options dialog, click the Display tab.
  3. Under View, you will find the Auto-size columns box.


Got it :slight_smile:

And in that case I can confirm it's not working for me either.

How are you launching Opus?

Auto load when windows starts up. Listers are usually opened by double clicking on the desktop to open the last opened lister. Strange that on investigation it seems to work on most listers and not a certain few.

Check your saved Folder Formats. Remember all these settings are saved locally for tab groups, styles and Layouts, so you may need to edit and re-save those if they have the wrong setting in them.

Cheers Jon, that may well have been the issue for me. We'll see how it goes!

I am not using auto-launch, i am using Win+E.

The re-edit of Folder Formats seemed to do the trick. :slight_smile:

FYI, when i installed Dopus 10 i restored information from Dopus 9 using the Backup and Restore Configuration feature.
