Auto Updater Still Not Working

Looks like the auto-updater is still not working. I've noticed the problem for the last couple updates.

It works for myself and most people. You may have a network or firewall issue.

I was now going to start a new thread but found this one. Have also mentioned this once before that DOpus update hangs and does not want to download the next version. Then we thought it was an antivirus, but have since used another antivirus and now I only use windows defender and this has appeared at regular intervals, not all updates but many. Now this happened again, and this time it was Dopus that took up the update window about an update and is trying to download the next version. After a while I pressed about and press download and then it locks again. If I wait a few days or so, it is usually possible to update. I have nothing else set with firewalls or antivirus settings so it should be windows default. This seems to be a bug for some, recurring and through several versions. I'm running newest windows 10.
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Edit: Now after I have let the update run for an hour and then took abort and then download again, he downloaded it. According to the resource monitor, he had contact with your ip for the first time when it hung. Something is strange and when you search back in the forum, it happens several years ago. It's certainly not opus' fault every time, but it should be a bug that pops up sometimes.

I'm not having any other network related issues.