Automatic backup of Opus config?

Hi all.

I've searched for this but haven't found anything that seems to ask the same question - apologies if I've missed it: is there any way to schedule an automatic and silent backup of the Opus settings and configs?

I've just had a PC problem that I've tried to solve by rebuilding the PC (first rebuild in about 4 years, so it was probably overdue). All of my data was (I thought) stored on separate disks to my boot drive but due to the half-arsed, kludgey way the Users folder was moved off of the boot disk, it seems that my Opus settings were still held on C: and therefore got trashed when I wiped the disk. I've partially restored things using the config on my laptop (which was itself copied from the desktop and then tweaked), but that config was probably months out of date. I've lost a few obvious items (toolbars, buttons, home-made icon sets) and probably a load of other tweaks, but nothing I can't recreate given a little time.

Given how infrequently I actually remember to back up my config, I'd like to automate it if I can. I'm guessing that I could use dopusrt to start the process, and then just schedule that to run regularly, but I'm guessing that I couldn't get it to finish the export without my input. Is there any way to do this within Opus, or by using external tools?

Thanks in advance,


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It's the contents of the /dopusdata directory (and /dopusglobaldata if you want to be thorough, and /dopuslocaldata if you want to be really thorough) that you'd want to back up. You can schedule the dir(s) to be copied to somewhere else using any normal backup or scheduling software, independent of Opus.

Thanks for that, I've set up some regular backups as suggested.

Allow me to step in here and revive this thread. The other day I had to restore a Windows image.
Regretfully I had no recent Opus settings backup.

I got to this thread as I had about the same idea:
what if, after any Opus settings changes, the new settings are (optionally) automatically saved?
i.e. same as 'Settings->Backup and Restore'


Saved where? They are already automatically saved to your user profile folder.

When restoring an image the user profile will be overwritten.
I backup the settings here . . .


Before restoring, you probably make a backup of your personal files, don't you?
Include AppData/Roaming/GPSoftware to your backup and restore it after restoring the image.

You can backup DOpus profile folder automatically, e.g. by adding a BAT file to your Windows startup folder so it's done automatically.

My personal files are stored on a different partition. Restoring a windows image restores Windows only and the apps that can not be installed on a different partition, such as a/v.
My C-drive contains Windows and just a few applications, like a/v. All other applications and my personal files are installed/stored elsewhere.
Anyway, it was just an idea to 'automate' what I am doing manually.


Working with symlinks in roaming & co (but only settings that will be changed from time to time).

FYI, DOpus backup related script

I've learned (the hard way) that the only reliable way to ensure info is backed up and protected from loss is for it to be done automatically and not relying on me to think about it and take the time to do it. A few years back I discovered ShadowProtect Desktop (by ShadowCraft) for backing up entire drives. It's been phenomenal and it's fast and saved my neck on a number of occassions. For partial drive backups, Syncovery is working great...very flexible and fast. I have no relationship with these software packages other than user.

But the option for DOpus to automatically backup to a designated location whenever changes are made (as suggested by opw62) would be great.

Configuration changes happen constantly, just from using the program.

All Opus configuration data is stored in files which can be copied normally, so any backup tool can do the job, from full disk image snapshots through to just copying the files with a simple batch file.

The backup & restore command can also be automated, if you want to use it (but you don't have to, at least not for this kind of backup). And Opus scripts can run commands or file copies when triggered via various events, if you want to do everything from Opus (but then you're only backing up your Opus settings; it might make sense to backup all of your program settings using a broader approach).

So I think everything is already there for automated backups to be done in almost any way you wish.

The idea is to just have the settings backed up automatically.
I regularly run image backups but do that every now and then (say every week).
Note that Opus is installed on my C-drive.
On top I run a normal 'file backup' every week.

The manual backup of Opus settings is different though.
If I change anything in the Opus-settings and if it appears not to be a good idea, then I believe
a quick restore of the .ocb file is far more convenient than any other solution.
Well, at least that is -my- experience.

Usually before changing anything in the Opus settings I create a backup.
However, it so happened that I forgot to do so when I started messing around in the settings
the other day. So when I wanted to restore the backup, it appeared to be older one and I
needed to figure out what -good- changes I had added since then.

That was/is the background of my suggestion.

Anyway, I will continue to backup manually, no problem.


I have set up a windows task that regularly starts a batch file:

"%programfiles%\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe" /cmd Prefs BACKUP=all TO "G:\Backup\Opus\ocb\Alexander - Opus Config - {date|yyyy-MM-dd} {time|HH-mm-ss}" QUIET