Automatic Tab Switch

Hi Guys...

I'm pretty new to Opus, but finding my way around nicely me thinks...At any rate, I have a question that I haven't been able to find in the FAQ's and by Searching, so hopefully it hasn't been asked before...

Say I have 4 tabs open in Opus..Is it possible that if I'm in Tab 1 and navigating to other folders, that if I go to a folder that is open in Opus, that it automatically switch to that tab..?

Hope that makes sense...


Know exactly what you mean - DOpus does not currently have this functionality :frowning: .

I think it has been requested before, but i'm not sure, you may want to put in an official request.



This doesn't help when navigating, so it's not really an answer to your question, but I figure it might be useful anyway if you want to re-use tabs:

You can make a button which opens the selected folder(s) in new tabs, re-using existing tabs for any folder that's already open in a tab, by running this command:

Go FROMSEL NEWTAB=findexisting

You could set your folder double-click action to something like that, but it will then open new tabs for folders which aren't already open in a tab, which isn't what you want. It can be useful in other situations, though, so I thought I'd mention it.