Automatically highlight files in listers based on filters


I would like to "highlight" some files based on a filter in directory opus, either permanently, or at least using a button for example.
Lets say I have a directory containing thousands of files, and I want to visually identify somes of them (either by highlighing their name, or use bold font, or ...)

Its exactly what the filters tool is doing, except I want to see the excluded files instead of hiding them completely...
And I don't want to use the "select by pattern" tool as the final purpose of highlighting some files is to be able to make my own selection...

Is that possible ?

Thank you.

It would be helpful, if you had a practical example, of what exactly you would like to have being highlighted. Possibly the wildcard filters would be the best solution,
if the criteria depend on the file names rather on the extensions (where we could have another way, like assigning colors to types of file type groups).

I need exactly what FlashFXP proposes with Highlight filters : "Highlights provide a way of making certain files or folders based on their name standout by highlighting them with the assigned color."

For example, all .zip files are green, for example

All files named DSC_* are red, for example DSC_0105.JPG

All files matching (.)_backup.(.) are blue, for example

and so on....

You can set that up under Preferences / Favorites and Recent / File and Folder Labels, by creating Wildcard Labels.

Thank you leo !

This seems only to work with file names. Is it possible to highlight images based on their dimension?

For example I would like to have all images highlighted that match my screen resolution.

Would a toolbar button or hotkey that you can push to select all images that match your screen resolution do the job? (Or, alternatively, one which filters out all other images?)

Not really. The idea is that I specify some attributes (file size, image dimension, etc) that are interesting for me and then have all files automatically highlighted that match the specified attributes when browsing folders.
Basically the same as filters but I want the other files to stay visible and those files that match the criteria to be highlighted, for example by text color or (in thumbnail view) with colored symbols similiar to the file type icons (these symbols could also be added to the file type icons like the Dropbox status icons).

Currently I use filters as you suggested or the tooltip information which works fine. But with some kind of highlighting I could quickly see interesting files without having to do anything.

There's no way to do that right now.