Automatically rename new files added to a specific folder

I was using the very first one made available above by pctechtv.
Alright, will change the line in the script.

EDIT: Changed the line in the script. It's fixed!

Here is the final script for those that stumbles upon this thread.

/* eslint quotes: ['error', 'single'] */
/* eslint-disable no-inner-declarations */
/* global DOpus Script */
/* Demo script by cyilmax and enhanced by pctechtv and tbone on Dopus forums */
/* v1.0 Initial release by pctechtv */
/* v1.1 Fix auto-rename when path has one or multiple spaces (by tbone) */
///<reference path="./_DOpusDefinitions.d.ts" />

var DEBUG = true;
function $dbg(/**@type {any}*/str) { if (DEBUG) DOpus.output(str); }

function OnInit(/** @type {DOpusScriptInitData} */ initData) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars           = 'fsUtil.WatchChanges demo';
    initData.desc           = 'fsUtil.WatchChanges demo';
    initData.version        = '1.1';
    initData.copyright      = '© cy - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)';
    initData.default_enable = true;          = 'cy';
    initData.desc           = 'This script adds 2 commands: cuWatchFolder & cuUnwatchFolder with the same signature PATH/O\n.'
                            + 'Use cuWatchFolder PATH Y:\\ or cuUnwatchFolder PATH Y:\\';

    var cmd;
    cmd         = initData.addCommand();    = 'cuWatchFolder';
    cmd.method  = 'cuWatchFolder';
    cmd.desc    = '';
    cmd.label   = 'cuWatchFolder';
    cmd.template= 'PATH/O';
    cmd.icon    = 'folder';

    cmd         = initData.addCommand();    = 'cuUnwatchFolder';
    cmd.method  = 'cuUnwatchFolder';
    cmd.desc    = '';
    cmd.label   = 'cuUnwatchFolder';
    cmd.template= 'PATH/O';
    cmd.icon    = 'folder';

function OnFilesystemChange(/** @type {DOpusFilesystemChangeData} */ filesyschangedata) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    $dbg('OnFilesystemChange called');
    /** @type {DOpusMap} */
    var cache = Script.vars.get('cache');
    var path = '';
    if (cache.exists( {
        path = cache.get(;
        $dbg('change for watch id: ' + + ', path: ' + path);
		//DOpus.OUtput("Directory Opus is watching now")
    } else {
        $dbg('got a change event but cannot find id: ' +;

function cuWatchFolder(/** @type {DOpusScriptCommandData} */ cmdData) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    var args = cmdData.func.args;
    if (!args.got_arg.PATH) {
    var path = '' + args.PATH;
    var uniqueid = getUniqueID(path);

    if (!Script.vars.exists('cache')) {
        Script.vars.set('cache', DOpus.create().map());

    /** @type {DOpusMap} */
    var cache = Script.vars.get('cache');
    if (cache.exists(uniqueid)) {
        $dbg('this folder is already being watched by same id: ' + uniqueid + ', path: ' + path);

    var errcode = DOpus.fsUtil().watchChanges(uniqueid, path, 'fdrs');
    if (errcode) {
        $dbg('an error occurred, aborting - error code: ' + errcode);

    $dbg('watching path: ' + path + ', id: ' + uniqueid);
    cache.set(uniqueid, path);
    Script.vars.set('cache', cache);

function cuUnwatchFolder(/** @type {DOpusScriptCommandData} */ cmdData) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    var args = cmdData.func.args;
    if (!args.got_arg.PATH) {
    var path = '' + args.PATH;
    var uniqueid = getUniqueID(path);

    /** @type {DOpusMap} */
    var cache = Script.vars.get('cache');
    if (!cache.exists(uniqueid)) {
        $dbg('this folder is not being being watched, path: ' + path);
    $dbg('unwatching path: ' + path + ', id: ' + uniqueid);
    Script.vars.set('cache', cache);

function getUniqueID(/** @type {string} */ str) {
    var blob = DOpus.create().blob();
    return '' + DOpus.fsUtil().hash(blob, 'md5');

function autoNumImgfiles(path){
    var cmd = DOpus.Create.command;
    cmd.deselect = false;
    //if (tab.all.count == 0) return;
    var re = /^(\d+)$/;
	var ex = /bmp|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|webp/
    var maxNum = 0;
	var folderEnum = DOpus.FSUtil.ReadDir(path);
	while (!folderEnum.complete) {
        var item = folderEnum.Next();
        var tmp = item.name_stem.match(re);
		var tpm = item.ext.match(ex);
		if (tpm) {
	        if (tmp) {
	            var num = Number(tmp[1]);
	            if (num > maxNum) maxNum = num;
	        } else {
				var mxx = ++maxNum;
	    		var cmdLine = 'Rename IGNOREEXT "' + item + '" TO "' + mxx + '"'

I did test. I talked about it in a previous post (#28). The first one was C:\Users\Lebon14\Desktop\script and the second was F:\script. Both worked. Then stopped working when I tried moving more towards the folder I wanted to watch. By then, there were spaces in the file path.

EDIT 2: Before I forget, a big thank you to everyone involved. <3

Great! Glad you got what you wanted. And now you are a coder! :tada::balloon:...:joy:

Technically, I can still somewhat read code but I was always extremely bad at it, failing to do even the smallest things.

I haven't tried coding since 2009 at the end of my IT course in college. Always wanted to help people with tech issues back then but ended up doing the wrong course. In other words, I'm literate enough to guess a bit of code but too dumb to even try starting writing it. I had trouble writing even basic things back then, no matter the language (C, C++, Java...). The only coding I could see myself doing a bit of is HTML and maybe some CSS.